BY answering a simple


10 Fun & Laid Back Invitation Wording Examples

Wedding invitation tipsWedding invitation Wording

casual fun wedding invitaiton wording

Things aren’t the same as they were 50 years ago,wedding invitation wording has had a drastic change and it’s here to stay. No longer are we required to follow proper wedding etiquette and forced to strictly adhere to a set of rules. Ultimately, you final goal is to figure out what wording makes you and your soon-to-be hubby happy.

Keeping your stationery wording laid back is a perfect way to let your guests know the wedding day will be unforgettable, talked about for ages, and fun! We’ve come up with fun wording ideas that will hopefully spark your interest and get you started on the right foot. Enjoy!

10 fun wedding invitation wording ideas

We’re tying the knot!
Please join us
as we embark on a new journey
Saturday, June 12, 2021
at 4:30 in the afternoon
The Grand Hall
5084 West Monroe Street
Chicago, Illinois
Tasty food, fun and festivities to follow

magenta purple and blue flower acrylic wedding invitation

Shop the Style: EWIA007


Angela Dearson
Erick Grosler
Invite you to join them
on the best day ever!
at 4:30 p.m.
The Grand Hall
5084 West Monroe Street
Chicago, Illinois
Feasting, drinking and festivities to follow


Celebrate with us!
Angela Dearson
Erick Grosler
Are making it official!
Saturday, June 16, 2021
at 4:30 in the afternoon
The Grand Hall
5084 West Monroe Street
Chicago, Illinois
Dinner, dancing and drinking to follow

ivory and gold glitter elegant wedding invites with belly band

Shop the Style: EWTS038


Would like to formally invite you
to join them as they get hitched!
Saturday, June 16, 2021
at 4:30 in the afternoon
The Grand Hall
5084 West Monroe Street
Chicago, Illinois
Food consuming, alcohol drinking and merry dancing to follow


Angela Dearson
Erick Grosler
are tying the wedding knot!
They would be delighted if you joined them
as they embark on this new journey
Saturday, June 16, 2021
at 4:30 in the afternoon
The Grand Hall
5084 West Monroe Street
Chicago, Illinois
Drinks, dinner and merriment to follow

classic ivory pocket laser cut wedding invitation with blush and burgundy flowers design

Shop the Style: EWDM009


We are heading over to the chapel!
Please join us as we celebrate love.
Saturday, June 16, 2021
at 4:30 in the afternoon
The Grand Hall
5084 West Monroe Street
Chicago, Illinois
Dinner, drinking and dancing immediately after

simple graceful calligraphy wedding invitation

Shop the Style: EWDM010

So we touched base a little on the wording for the main invite, but what about the rsvp card? Can’t forget about that! Some brides prefer to keep this fairly straightforward and some like to go full out and have fun with it. Here are some examples of rsvp card wording that will bring out a smile from your guests:

Kindly Reply by
Saturday, June 5th
Name(s): _________________________________
_____ we are ecstatic to eat, drink and dance with you!
_____ we will be taking shots from afar


by Saturday, June 5th
Name(s): _________________________________
_____ we will be there as soon as the doors open!
_____ sadly, we will be celebrating from home


Celebrate with us?
Please let us know if you can make it by
Saturday, June 5th
Guest name (s) _________________________________
_____ of course!
_____ can’t make it


Can you join is in the festivities?
(Please let us know by June 5th)
Name (s) _______________________________________
_____ heck, yes!
_____ how many of you can we expect at the party?
____ dang, can’t make it


Can you party?
Please let us know if you can make it
by emailing us at
[email protected]
before June 5th
Dietary requirements? Please let us know that too.
We look forward to hearing from you!


——————-Click to Learn More——————–

>>> Basic Wedding Invitation Etiquette

>>> Wedding Invitation Wording – 4 Things You Should Not Say

>>> How to Address Wedding Invitations

>>> How to Assemble Wedding Invitations

>>> 15 Unique Wedding Invitation Wording Ideas

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