DIY Wedding Gift Ideas: Will You Be My Bridesmaid?
diy wedding ideas
When planning your wedding, you may already know who will be your bridesmaid, but how you are going to ask them? Below are some simple diy ways to pop the important question, “will you be my bridesmaid?” I do believe you girls will be deeply moved by your custom diy wedding gifts and obviously won’t be able to refuse. That’s worth a try. Enjoy!
1, Prepare the supplies as the following picture show. 2, Fold the card and hand-made the heart shape. 3, Put together to tie it and your future bridesmaid fall in love with this DIY and immediately say yessss exactly the way you did!
photo credit: via smittenonpaper
1, Prepare the supplies and do the measurements. 2, Measure the box and decorate. 3, Roll the T-shirt for your bridesmaid. 4, Put the T-shirt, wine and glass together in the box. 5, Tie a bow.
photo credit: via somethingturquoise
photo credit: via kateaspen
photo credit: via theblueeyeddove
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